It’s All in the Family

Walt Disney once said, “A man should never neglect his family for business”. How could someone whose brilliant mind created the likes of Mary Poppins and Mickey Mouse be wrong?

My father, an 87 year old with more energy than Tigger from Winnie the Poo, is a constant presence in SGC’s daily business. Not a day goes by where we aren’t treated to him popping in to see what is going on, delivering our mail, running our errands, or eating our snacks. His boundless vitality and curiosity has endeared himself to my employees who, because he’s like our “Company Dad”, are entertained by his daily visit(s). I must also mention, he is our Landlord.

Yes, our Landlord is like Tinkerbell on steroids. “Do you have any deposits I can take to the bank?” “Would you like me to check your mail at the post office?” “I see you have a lightbulb out – can I fix it?” “Do you mind moving your car so I can give it a quick wash?” I am not kidding.

I think he sometimes forgets this is my business, not his. He checks in on my employees during our weekly meetings, comes to our outings, and wears our SGC branded apparel proudly. He and my Mom are my biggest supporters and greatest role models. They are part of the SGC Family because they are part of mine.

This is something we don’t take lightly at SGC. Most of the time my recruiters are able to work from home which enables that “work life balance” so popular in today’s culture. I stress the importance of attending the first grade field trips as a top priority knowing the recruiting will get done, and done well, without having to check up on things. Our weekly team meetings include new born babies and puppies. (Our Landlord does NOT volunteer to take the dog out). Our kitchen is stocked with a popcorn machine and our toy closet is waiting for our little visitors. While this may sound like fun and games to anyone in a similar industry I assure you we are as strong a team as any I have ever been a part. Our numbers prove it!

Family must always come first because when you love where you work, business and success will follow. When you allow your employees the autonomy to make the decisions as if they were the owners, you will create the kind of family atmosphere, loyalty, and dedication I see in everyone who works for SGC. They mean the world to me.  And my Dad.

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