Celebrating 10 Years of Susan Graham Consulting

On September 6, 2006, Susan launched Susan Graham Consulting. She had a vision of a company where people worked hard, worked well together and gave back whenever possible, a place where her employees would enjoy themselves and her clients would place great trust.

Over the years, SGC has grown and grown. We’ve been more successful every year, but we’re not just about the numbers. We’re also about connections and caring for our clients and the people in our community.

Here’s a celebration of Susan Graham Consulting, including our favorite memories and a look at our recruiting company by the numbers. Thanks for coming with us on this journey.

The Day: September 6

A few other things that happened on September 6, 2006, the day Susan founded the company:

* The Japanese heir to the crown is born to Princess Kiko.

* President Bush goes to Congress with a request to pass the Military Commission Act of 2006.

* The Philadelphia Art Commission votes to return a 2,000-pound statue of Rocky Balboa to the outside of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

* Royal sister Pippa Middleton celebrates her 23rd birthday.

* Justin Timberlake’s “SexyBack” is the No. 1 song on the radio.

The Year: 2006

Here are 10 other things that happened in 2006, along with the start of SGC:

1. Twittter launches on July 15.

2. The Pittsburgh Steelers win the Super Bowl.

3. Western Union ends its telegram service.

4. Sasha Cohen earns a silver medal for figure skating at the Winter Olympics.

5. “Crash” wins Best Picture at the Oscars.

6. “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” is the No. 1 movie of the year at the box office.

7. Stephenie Meyer publishes the second book in the “Twilight” series, “New Moon,” which sells 5.3 million copies.

8. The TV show “30 Rock” bows on NBC.

9. New NASA photos of Mars suggest the planet may have a water source.

10. “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin is killed in a freak accident.

10 Favorite Memories at SGC

Susan’s employees list their 10 favorite memories of working for the company:

1. Traveling to Punta Cana and St. Thomas as a part of our staff goal achievements

2. Weekly staff meetings

3. Yearly staff retreats where we turn off all electronics and regroup

4. Reaching our goal of top-50 fastest-growing companies for three consecutive years

5. Cooking at the Ronald McDonald House with clients

6. Meeting Braydon Nichols

7. Laughing with everyone, every day at the office

8. Moving from our garage space to a big office complete with office space and kitchen

9. Sponsoring events such as “Bras Across the Bridge” for the Feel Your Boobies Foundation

10. Showing a personal side to our company that goes beyond our business.

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