Why Not Us?

WHY NOT US? How beautifully arranged – these eight letters of our alphabet. Three simple words currently bringing such pride and joy to our home in Central Pennsylvania. A modest, unpretentious phrase uniting a team of boys and their community. Not only has it catapulted them into the limelight and hearts of our State of Pennsylvania, it has brought them worldwide recognition and admiration. Why not us?!

I would be fooling you if I told you I’ve followed the Redlanders through their Little League season. I’ve only jumped on the bandwagon having read about (and watched) their heroic efforts during the first game of the Little League World Series. What valuable lessons they are learning as they represent our country so well at this International competition, too young to know the extent these lessons will serve them in life during this experience they will never forget. Why not us?!

The business world is very much like sports. You win or you lose. You work well with others or you don’t make the team. You watch your competition closely yet shake hands at the end of the day. You figure out how to learn from your mistakes and teach what you’ve learned to your teammates. The exercises you go through every day, no matter how monotonous or tiring or seemingly unnecessary enable you to grow into a better employee. You listen to your coach and work together to close the deal. To win the game. Why not us?!

The SGC Team is embarking on a two day Team Building retreat next week. We plan to do some of those boring exercises (well, that is only my personal opinion) such as updating our mission statement. We will look back at our year and decide what to do differently. What to do better. We will all get a turn as “Coach” while working on our SGC brand. And we’ll have our little neighbors, The Redlanders, in our minds as we try to emulate their magnificent example of a team. Our goal is to get our name out there as the premier IT Staffing Company in Central PA. Why not us?!

All of us at SGC congratulate the parents, teachers, coaches and mentors of this remarkable group of young men. The excitement they have brought to the end of our summer, the joy we have felt watching them play, the anticipation we have knowing what great citizens they will be, and realizing they knew all of this at the beginning of the Little League baseball season by putting together three simple words: Why Not Us? You go, Redlanders. You have more people than you’ll ever know routing for you on Saturday.

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