Why Right Now Is a Great Time to Enter the Health Care Industry

As recruiters, we work with companies and candidates across the health care, information technology and engineering fields, and more. We love hearing from the people we work with about the great things happening in their industries, so we decided to begin a periodic series on our blog about starting a new career. We’ll begin this month with health care.

From now until 2028, the health care industry will see an impressive boom. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the addition of 1.9 million jobs as an aging U.S. population increases demand for these skilled workers.

Whether you’re graduating from college or looking for a midlife career change, exploring the health care sector has many benefits. Here are five reasons why you should consider finding a job in this exciting industry right now.

1. Business Is Booming in Healthcare

As the last of the Baby Boomers reach retirement age, the demographics of the nation are shifting. At this moment, 16 percent of Americans are over age 65, double the number who were in 1950. By 2050, 22 percent of Americans will be over 65.

As people age, they require more health assistance. Americans are living longer, too, so they need this aid for a longer time. That means professions from home health care aides to pharmacists will see big increases in demand. It also means greater job security than in other industries.

2. Every Day Is Different

If you love the thrill of going into each day knowing it will present new challenges, then health care is an excellent place for you. You assist new patients, learn new protocols, and discuss new dilemmas day in and day out. There’s no such as thing as a “boring” day.

That engagement makes every day fly by — and draws you closer to your co-workers, who understand like no one else the excitement generated by each fresh interaction.

3. Outstanding Chances for Advancement

With such high demand for health care workers, you can find positions open at all levels — and discover the potential to advance quickly. Health care offers jobs for people with all levels of education, too, so those with GEDs and associate degrees as well as bachelor’s degrees and more can find exceptional opportunities to take on more responsibility and rise through the organization.

4. Flexibility With Scheduling

You want to provide for family. You also want the flexibility to spend time with them (we get it; at SGC, we treasure family time!). Health care provides options for nontraditional scheduling that often works better for families, especially with young children. You can opt for weekend or evening work so you can spend time with your kids after school and give you more flexibility with childcare. Or you can adjust your schedule to care for an aging loved one.

5. Amazing Job Satisfaction

We love talking to candidates in health care because they love their jobs. They feel called to help people. They know every day they are making a difference. That’s an incredible feeling to end every day with.

Ready to dive in? Check out our job listings to discover the latest opportunities in health care.

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Right now is a great time to enter the healthcare industry. We have worked with several healthcare partners, and we can guide you through your desired career change.
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