We Are Storm Chasers

Recruiters need time off, too. Our minds are spinning 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our network of candidates twists around and around in our brains like mini tornado’s – constantly strategizing how to best match our clients with those who have the best skills and personality. We love it. We’re like storm chasers. The more we have going on, the better we produce.

I recently took a vacation where I had very limited email and cell services for almost 12 days. You would think when I returned home I wouldn’t have much of a business – it would have starved from neglect. All of those positions for .NET Developers and Project Managers, User Experience Designers and Business Analysts – who would take care of my network? How could I be away for 12 days and never check my email or phone messages? WHO DOES THAT!?

The answer is simple – my Team stepped up and my business didn’t skip a beat. In fact, they made so many local job placements while I was away I am wondering why I came back! That’s what can happen when you carefully assemble the right people to work for you. They don’t think of SGC as MY business – they know they are empowered to think of it as THEIR company. And I cannot do enough for them.

Our company just happens to be compiled of all women in Recruiting, Account Management, and Administrative roles. Our weekly team meetings are loud and topics fly around the conference room covering everything from the proper way to swaddle a new baby to what new skin product works best to how to negotiate a fair recruiting fee with a new client. Even better, the “moms” who work for SGC are allowed to being their kids to these meetings, and these happy little campers have their own office. We have a doorway where we measure how tall they’ve grown over the years. They have their own popcorn machine. And they behave like champs.

I have always been bewildered when I hear of corporate recruiters and other companies having a hard time retaining top employees. It’s so simple, but you have to work on it every day. Treat your employees as you would your family. Empower them to make their own decisions, and then back them on these decisions. Surprise them with perks when they least expect it. Notice and praise all the good they do – they are representing YOU and really want to make your company look good. Tell them their input is valued and needed. Give them flexibility to put family first and work second. And let them fly.

I could not be more proud of my team and what they have accomplished not only in the 12 days I was away from the office, but what they continue to achieve every single day. SGC is growing at a significant pace and we all love what we do, even though we live with a constant cyclone spinning in our heads.

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